Category Archives: Gut Health

Where Do They Find These Dieticians?

There are good dieticians, I know. But there appear to be A LOT more bad ones. And yes, I understand that they’re educated from a textbook written by Kelloggs. And they’re taught to revert to the Governmental Regulated Food Pyramid at all times. But why are they openly trashing low-carb, paleo diets? Job security? I…

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The REAL Reason Asians Are Healthier

Historically, the Chinese and Japanese have been healthier than North Americans.  And it’s common to glorify 1 of the foods they eat (ex: soy), or 1 of the foods they ‘apparently’ eat less of (ex: red meat), when it’s not one food making the difference, it’s their diet (and lifestyle) as a whole. Recently I…

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Ditching The Standard American DUMP (S.A.D.)

Once we started using the high-boy toilet, it didn’t take long for us to forget that we used to squat in the bush. And sadly, we never stopped to think that the maybe the 90-degree crapper isn’t ideal. What’s interesting, is that various cultures around the world never adopted the American Standard toilet. Opting for…

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Asthma? Eczema? Headaches? IBS? Arthritis? Depression? Go With Your Gut

The bacteria in our gut accounts for more than 75% of our immune system, and plays an integral part in regulating our metabolism, supporting our gastrointestinal system, and protecting us from infection. As previously discussed, the over-use of antibiotics (and prescription medication in general) is largely to blame for the compromised gut health we’re now…

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10 Red Flags You’re Unhealthy That You Call “Normal”

Doctors use symptoms to diagnose illnesses, and one could say a symptom is your body’s way of communicating something is wrong. The problem is, some of us have lived with these symptoms for so long, they’re no longer classified as symptoms anymore. They’re simply classified as “normal.” Many times these problems are treated with medication,…

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Don’t Mess With the Microbes – Gut Bacteria, Obesity, and Disease

The hottest trend in 21st century research (at the time of writing this post) is swapping the gut microbes of mice to pinpoint the impact of different bacterial strains on our health and body composition. With various studies showing considerable evidence that a bacteria-shift alone can turn a lean mouse into a fat mouse (1,…

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Anxiety & Depression – Chemical Imbalance or Dietary Disaster?

The awareness campaigns for depression are bothersome. Which may seem like a cold-hearted comment for anyone dealing with it, or anyone that has a friend or family member dealing with it, but not when you take a look at what’s causing it. Perhaps frustrating would have been a better word than bothersome, as the main…

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From Chronic Inflammation to Chronic Disease – 10 Ways to Prevent It

Not all inflammation is bad; as the very reason our body has an inflammatory response is to protect and heal itself. Whether that’s swelling, warmth, and redness for an acute injury, or the secretion of T-cells to destroy harmful pathogens. But chronic (or systemic) inflammation is bad. Since unlike burns, cuts, breaks, and bruises, or…

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