Category Archives: Low Carb

Nothing Sweet About Sweeteners

Regardless of the source, ‘sweet’ triggers a reward response in the brain that makes us feel good – similar to the pleasurable experience from a drug. “Sweet sensations evoked by sugar-sweetened foods and drinks are probably one of the most precocious, frequent and intense sensory pleasures of modern humans.” Lenoir et al, PLoS One, 2007…

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Should Everyone Eat More Fruit?

The government recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and we’re frequently encouraged to increase our intake whenever possible.  But what if most (or all) of those servings are fruit? Should we add more fruit to a the typical North American’s diet – that’s already far too in carbohydrates (glucose) – and typical…

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No Salt, Butter, Red Meat, or Coffee? Doc’s Got it All Wrong

Middle aged guy goes into the doctor and discovers he’s on the verge of heart disease. So along with instructing him to take a statin, the doctor tells him to eat less fat and more fiber, stop drinking coffee, and cut down on salt. Because everyone knows: The statin and fiber will lower his cholesterol…

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You Are NOT a Kitavan Islander

You want to lose fat and improve your health, so you start researching the best approach. The more you ask around and read online and in newspapers, the more you get encouraged to experiment with a low carbohydrate strategy. Your new life will consist of meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, water, coffee, tea, and maybe even…

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The Truth About Salt & Hypertension

The original recommendation to “Eat Less Salt” stems from research by Lewis Dahl in the 1950’s-70’s, who decided feeding rats 500 grams of sodium per day (almost 50 times the average intake) was viable evidence for showing an association between sodium intake and hypertension (high blood pressure). Though if that wasn’t misleading enough, he later…

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Lower The Carbs – Higher The Fat Burning

Let’s be honest, the reason most of us try to make nutritional changes is to improve our physique. As although staying healthy and preventing disease are important, we ultimately pass on dessert because we want to look better in our swim trunks. But that being said, looking better and “losing weight” don’t exactly go hand-in-hand. …

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Why Carbs Are Best Consumed AFTER Exercise

Though the national food guide may tell you otherwise, fruit and starchy vegetables are not for everyone.   Sure, they’re light years ahead of grains and beans, but for an obese, insulin resistant, sedentary individual it’s just MORE sugar that they DON’T need. For a relatively lean person with a good level of carbohydrate tolerance (insulin…

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Eat More Meat, Burn More Fat. Period!

The current nutrition advice from the government and their dietician disciples may have you believing otherwise, but there’s been undeniable proof since the early 1900’s that eating predominantly animal protein, and limiting carbohydrates, was the ultimate solution for a lean physique. As an example, take this quote from Dr. Alfred Pennington, describing his experimental results…

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