Category Archives: Meat Myths

Research Recap – May 2016

Before we dive into the research, I think it’s important to share a disturbing statistic with you. A recent report in the journal Obesity used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to determine that 17.4% of children (aged 2-19) met the criteria for class 1 obesity in 2013-2014. The sad part being,…

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% of Calories or Not, It’s a High-Protein Diet (or it should be)

There’s no denying the fact that reducing your carbohydrate intake and eating copious amounts of fat will transform your health and body composition; especially if you’re experiencing any symptoms of metabolic derangement (insulin resistance, obesity). And it’s nice to see this information finally hitting the mainstream – as we’ve been pretty much forced to do…

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New Dietary Guidelines – 8 Ways the U.S. Government Failed AGAIN

The world was anxiously awaiting the release of the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines – as there’s been a tremendous push over the last 10 years to make some serious changes. Not only because the United States is more fat and sick than ever before, but because we’ve been blessed with a considerable dose of undeniable evidence…

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WHO Says Meat Causes Cancer?

Earlier this week the media was ecstatic to share new research from the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘apparently’ showing that eating processed meat increased cancer risk. With headline worthy stats like: “Eating 50 grams of processed meat every day can increase the risk of cancer by 18%.” “Diets high in processed meat responsible for 34,000…

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The REAL Reason Asians Are Healthier

Historically, the Chinese and Japanese have been healthier than North Americans.  And it’s common to glorify 1 of the foods they eat (ex: soy), or 1 of the foods they ‘apparently’ eat less of (ex: red meat), when it’s not one food making the difference, it’s their diet (and lifestyle) as a whole. Recently I…

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Top Vegetarian Myths Exposed

We can all picture a big slab of butter-coated red meat clogging our arteries, or decaying in our gut and releasing harmful toxins, because it’s been hammered into our heads since most of can remember.  Especially when it’s the processed, factory-farmed, GMO-fed, antibiotic-pumped meat we wrongfully assume is all that’s available. Add the latest talk…

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4 More Red Meat Myths – Neu5Gc, AA, TMAO and AGEs

Replacing saturated fat with starchy carbohydrates is probably the easiest way to get fat, sick, and heading to an early grave. Yet despite the scientific evidence and practical experience (see general population), we’re still wasting research dollars and media coverage trying to blame red meat. As we’ve discussed in the past, the conglomerate of observational…

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Herbs And Spices – 7 Buying/Storing Tips & 13 DIY Blends

Though herbs and spices have tremendous health benefits (outlined here and here), they’re not all created equal.  And similarly, they don’t all remain equal – depending on where you store them and how you treat them. The good is, it’s not that complicated or difficult to implement.  And the better news is, it’s going to…

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