Category Archives: Medication

Research Recap – May 2016

Before we dive into the research, I think it’s important to share a disturbing statistic with you. A recent report in the journal Obesity used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to determine that 17.4% of children (aged 2-19) met the criteria for class 1 obesity in 2013-2014. The sad part being,…

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Research Recap – Apr 2016

Nutrition A new paper from the New Zealand Medical Association outlines the highly effective, and very simple protocol for reversing and preventing diabetes – eat less carbs! Here’s a quote that sums it up perfectly: “In individuals dependent on insulin and other hypoglycaemic medication, the difficulty of matching higher intakes of carbohydrates with the higher…

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Asthma? Eczema? Headaches? IBS? Arthritis? Depression? Go With Your Gut

The bacteria in our gut accounts for more than 75% of our immune system, and plays an integral part in regulating our metabolism, supporting our gastrointestinal system, and protecting us from infection. As previously discussed, the over-use of antibiotics (and prescription medication in general) is largely to blame for the compromised gut health we’re now…

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10 Red Flags You’re Unhealthy That You Call “Normal”

Doctors use symptoms to diagnose illnesses, and one could say a symptom is your body’s way of communicating something is wrong. The problem is, some of us have lived with these symptoms for so long, they’re no longer classified as symptoms anymore. They’re simply classified as “normal.” Many times these problems are treated with medication,…

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Don’t Mess With the Microbes – Gut Bacteria, Obesity, and Disease

The hottest trend in 21st century research (at the time of writing this post) is swapping the gut microbes of mice to pinpoint the impact of different bacterial strains on our health and body composition. With various studies showing considerable evidence that a bacteria-shift alone can turn a lean mouse into a fat mouse (1,…

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The UNDEReducated Authority on Nutrition – Don’t Fall For The Lab Coat!

When you want someone to handle your financial portfolio, who do you go to? The guy with a great reputation and proven results, or the one with 12 letters after his name? Clearly, you avoid the guy that can’t manage to advise himself into a better financial situation: “I think this guy looks good honey.…

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But My Doctor NSAID to Take These – What Aspirin & Ibuprofen Are Really Doing

Hate to generalize, but if you’re a Baby Boomer you’re probably used to popping Advil or Aspirin when something hurts. Headache? No problem. Back ache? Handled. Arthritis? Taken care of. Someone else is in pain? “Did you take an ibuprofen?” What’s worse, is that many have been advised to take a Baby Aspirin each day…

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Herbs And Spices – My Top 10 List For Spices

As previously discussed, herbs and spices are some of the most nutritious foods. With most nutrient density scales and indexes placing them at (or near) the top of the chart – just under organ meats.  And many of them providing FAR MORE antioxidants than fruits and vegetables – on a per-weight, or gram-per-gram basis. The…

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