Category Archives: Strength Innovation

Strength Innovation – Windshield Wipers, Glute Rolls, & Quad Dips

Normally these posts are reserved for innovations in ‘strength,’ but these dynamic stretches are too good not to share. They were originally added to my 10-Min Warm-Up to address some personal needs, but now they’ve become a pre-workout staple…if it not a daily staple! 1. Windshield Wipers The first exercise addresses hip rotation tightness; both…

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Strength Innovation – Kneeling Rest-Pause Chin-Up & Fisherman Row

This innovative chin-up variation is classified as a double-duty exercise, because it serves 2 purposes. At first, it was incorporated to build explosiveness on the concentric part (i.e. the pull) of a chin-up. Similar to the way a pause and relax helps you pull with more force on the Barbell Bent-Over Row. But since, it’s…

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Get More From Your 45-Degree Back (Hyper) Extension

The 45-degree Back Extension (also known as the ‘Hyper Extension’), is an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the lower back. Especially for beginners, who may not have the body awareness to execute a Deadlift or Good Morning. For advanced lifters, it’s a great pairing with an all-encompassing pressing movement; like the Flat Barbell…

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Strength Innovation – Bridged Floor Press

Not every exercise needs to be functional, and not every exercise needs to maximize strength. The end result is the same, in that we get stronger and move better, but often times this is because we’ve improved our muscle activation and coordination. “Is the Bridged Floor Press more functional than the Bench Press?” Yes. “Does…

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Strength Innovation – Gymnastic Knee Raises

There are various feats of strength that make you say WOW, but for some reason the bodyweight gymnastic moves always seem to be the most impressive. Probably because you can immediately try them yourself (and quickly appreciate how difficult they actually are), but also because the control demonstrated by the pros is something to be…

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Strength Innovation – Wrist Roll Push-Ups, Body Rocks & Prone Glute Curls

This post is long overdo, as my visit to Human 2.0 (pronounced two-point-zero) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada was over a month ago. However, I wanted to be able to create video demonstrations of the AWESOME exercises these guys and gals put me through. The funny thing is, it was actually a very young girl (19yrs…

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Turning the Trap Bar into a Safety Squat Bar

The other day I posted an article called “8 Unconventional Uses for the Trap Bar” for And if you take the time to read it, you’ll come across a section where I discuss turning the Trap Bar Squat into a Safety Bar Squat. Here’s an excerpt from the article (in italics): 5. Trap Bar…

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Strength Innovation – Lawnmower Back Extension & Rolling Dip

Chronic sitting is not only negatively affecting our health and body composition, but it’s producing a deformed physique. We’re not using our glutes or firing our core muscles, we’re getting tight hip flexors and hamstrings, and it’s putting too much strain on other areas of our body. One of the muscles getting overworked is the…

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