Category Archives: Supplementation

Don’t Mess With the Microbes – Gut Bacteria, Obesity, and Disease

The hottest trend in 21st century research (at the time of writing this post) is swapping the gut microbes of mice to pinpoint the impact of different bacterial strains on our health and body composition. With various studies showing considerable evidence that a bacteria-shift alone can turn a lean mouse into a fat mouse (1,…

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Anxiety & Depression – Chemical Imbalance or Dietary Disaster?

The awareness campaigns for depression are bothersome. Which may seem like a cold-hearted comment for anyone dealing with it, or anyone that has a friend or family member dealing with it, but not when you take a look at what’s causing it. Perhaps frustrating would have been a better word than bothersome, as the main…

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Post-Workout – To Carb or Not to Carb?

The increased sensitivity of muscle tissue after exercise, means we ‘should’ eat protein and ‘can get away’ with eating carbohydrates. It doesn’t mean Lean Luke should be ingesting the same amount of carbohydrates as Fat Frank. In fact, recent evidence has demonstrated that carbohydrate after exercise does not necessarily produce an additive effect (1, 2)…

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Can’t Sleep? Blame Technology

You get home from a busy day at work, and after a nice dinner with your wife, you’re anxious to sit down to some mind-numbing entertainment. It’s been dark out since 6pm, but it’s hard to tell in your nicely lit home, with the 60-inch screen blasting bright images back at you and your wife…

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From Chronic Inflammation to Chronic Disease – 10 Ways to Prevent It

Not all inflammation is bad; as the very reason our body has an inflammatory response is to protect and heal itself. Whether that’s swelling, warmth, and redness for an acute injury, or the secretion of T-cells to destroy harmful pathogens. But chronic (or systemic) inflammation is bad. Since unlike burns, cuts, breaks, and bruises, or…

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Bone Broth – Make it a Staple This Winter

Last winter bone broth was the hot new food item; and for good reason! It’s very nutritious, extremely delicious, and provides a health-boost that most of us living North of 40 could use from November to March. Unlike your standard muscle meats, the connective tissues in animal carcasses add support to bones and joints, and…

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Resistant Starch – The New Excuse to Eat Grains & Legumes?

Resistant starch is the latest craze in nutrition. And like most things that ‘all of a sudden burst onto the scene out of nowhere,’ we’re being told that it can solve all of our health problems with little to no other change in our diet and lifestyle. But this time it’s not just Dr. Oz…

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Herbs And Spices – 7 Buying/Storing Tips & 13 DIY Blends

Though herbs and spices have tremendous health benefits (outlined here and here), they’re not all created equal.  And similarly, they don’t all remain equal – depending on where you store them and how you treat them. The good is, it’s not that complicated or difficult to implement.  And the better news is, it’s going to…

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