Category Archives: Supplementation

The Problem With Meal Replacement Shakes (Liquid Protein)

Using meal replacement shakes to lose weight is a method that’s been around forever. At least if we’re talking about my 30-year-old life up until this point. We’ve also seen them marketed as a means for maintaining health in the elderly – since we can pack them with protein and nutrients that 78 year old…

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The Pharmaceutical Hat-trick

Marijuana is an example of a gateway drug, because it encourages the use of other drugs in the future. Which may or may not be true; but if that’s the case, you could make the same argument for statins. The only difference being, the statins come from the trusted guy in the lab coat, while…

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Live It NOT Diet! FAQs – Bloated After Meals

Feeling bloated after meals usually means you’re having trouble digesting the foods you’re eating. As your body is struggling to breakdown and access the nutrients from the large bolus of food sitting in your gut. In most cases, this stems from low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) and/or an inadequate secretion of digestive enzymes.  A diagnosis that…

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Beyond Live It NOT Diet! – Repair Your Gut

It’s common to overlook the health of our gut, even though it contains 10 times more health-determining bacteria than the rest of our body.  Protecting us from infection, supporting our metabolism, and promoting healthy digestion and elimination. There are over 100 trillion organisms in the gut, that make up ¾ of our immune system.  Unfortunately, the…

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Beyond Live It NOT Diet! – Test Your Digestion (The HCL Test)

Poor digestion has become extremely common, and it’s usually because of an underactive stomach (low acid secretion) and undersecreting organs (pancreas, gall bladder, etc).   How this happens is debatable, but most research points to chronic gut damage; which is the product of poor food choices (high grain, low meat), excess stress, and over-medicating (antibiotics, antacids,…

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Pushing for the Perfect Poop – Using Your Stool as a Prevention Tool

Bowel movements are one of the best gauges of health. So it’s unfortunate to hear that people are uneducated on the topic, and ignoring clear signs of dysfunction. But perhaps we can blame western medicine for that – as they’d rather take your blood pressure, look in your ears and write-up a prescription then ask…

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How Urgent is Post-Workout Protein?

As demonstrated in a 2012 meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, combining protein supplementation with resistance training clearly enhances strength and muscle for participants of all ages and experience levels. But what doesn’t seem to be clear, is when that protein should be consumed in relation to an exercise session.  With strength coaches,…

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Why Protein After Resistance Training?

Throughout the course of the day, there’s a balance between muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB). And generally speaking, regular protein consumption stimulates MPS and slightly reduces MPB (positive protein balance); while fasting, or a long time between meals, reduces MPS and slightly increases MPB (negative protein balance). This is important, because…

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