Frustrated With Dieting? Eating Less But Gaining More?
It's NOT You, It's The Message!
Obesity, Diabetes, and Disease are at an all-time high, and despite conventional thinking it has NOTHING to do with:
- Eating too much, or exercising too little
- Saturated fat and elevated cholesterol
- A lack of whole grains and other dietary fibers
- Red meat and dairy, or animal protein in general

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The "Experts" Say You're Lazy, Indulgent, and Undisciplined
I Say You've Been Hitting The Bullseye on the Wrong Target!

It was 2007 when I first started working with personal clients, and it didn't take long for me to realize that people were taking deliberate action to improve their physique and prevent disease, but what they thought were 'better choices' and 'healthier options' is exactly what was creating the struggle.
This motivated me to write Eat Meat And Stop Jogging, which I released in 2014. And now, after selling it for 3 years on Amazon, I've decided it's time to offer it for free. Primarily to positively affect even more lives, and continue to arm the general public with the information and evidence they need to think for themselves, but also to stick-it to these so-called 'trusted experts' that would rather line their pockets than help our fat, sick, and debilitated population.Mike Sheridan Nutrition & Fitness Coach