Author Archives: Mike Sheridan
How Urgent is Post-Workout Protein?
As demonstrated in a 2012 meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, combining protein supplementation with resistance training clearly enhances strength and muscle for participants of all ages and experience levels. But what doesn’t seem to be clear, is when that protein should be consumed in relation to an exercise session. With strength coaches,…
Olive Oil – When to Use it & What to Look For
Though fats that are predominantly monounsaturated are more stable than polyunsaturated options (vegetable and seed oils), they’re still susceptible to heat. As we’ve learned, cooking with UNsaturated fats (mono or poly) is not wise because of the health risks associated with oxidation – which can occur at any point from oil extraction to your kitchen…
Food & Fitness Opportunity Cost – Are You Prioritizing The Right Priorities?
In life we make choices. And generally the prioritization of these choices revolves around resources. With time being the most precious. For example: We don’t stay up for another episode on Netflix because we work in 10hrs, and we like getting 8hrs of sleep. Or: We play 9 holes on Sunday instead of 18 because…
Ending the Vegetarian Debate Before it Starts
As stated perfectly in 1995 in the journal Current Anthropology: “The incorporation of increasingly greater amounts of animal products into the diet was essential in the development of the large human brain.” Yet so-called health experts continue to recommend and promote meat-free diets? Realistically, there shouldn’t be a ‘debate’ with information like this. As even…
No Salt, Butter, Red Meat, or Coffee? Doc’s Got it All Wrong
Middle aged guy goes into the doctor and discovers he’s on the verge of heart disease. So along with instructing him to take a statin, the doctor tells him to eat less fat and more fiber, stop drinking coffee, and cut down on salt. Because everyone knows: The statin and fiber will lower his cholesterol…
The Truth About Bosu Balls & Unstable Surfaces
Any foreign movement that requires a certain level of resistance is going to produce a favorable adaptation. So yes, even the application of an unstable surface (like the Bosu Ball), can increase the activation of specific stabalizer muscles. HOWEVER, if your goal is to get stronger in the squat or overhead press (which it should…
The Elderly Should Train For Strength & Muscle NOT Endurance
As I hope you’ve taken away from this blog (and my books), doing ‘cardio’ isn’t keeping you young at all. It supports muscle atrophy, accelerates cell damage, and wastes time that could’ve been spent building a stronger, more well-functioning physique. Our health doesn’t diminish with age because of bad cardio, it diminishes because of low…
The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Brain
We’ve talked about the nutritional needs of a healthy brain, and how a higher-fat lower-carb diet supports that. Not only because of the negative impact of sugar and the potential for insulin resistance and AGEs, but because our brain needs cholesterol and saturated fat – to build and support cells, and to properly transport and…