Author Archives: Mike Sheridan
More Antibiotic = Less Probiotic
One of the great debates of the 21st century, is why we’re seeing such a drastic increase in gastrointestinal problems, food sensitivities, and auto-immune conditions. Since 1974 Celiac Disease has increased 5-fold in the United States! Sure, there’s been a decline in food quality, sleep, and activity, and a rise in stress, environmental toxins, and…
The Problem With Red Meat Research
The speculation that red meat consumption increases disease risk has been around for as long as most of us can remember. Largely because of the misconceptions surrounding saturated fat, cholesterol, and heart disease, but also because of power-trippin vegans and click-desperate media outlets blowing up the interweb with tax-wasting epidemiological evidence. Any of the eye-catching…
Why Vitamin D Toxicity SHOULDN’T be a Consideration
Unlike other vitamins (C, B, etc.), vitamin D3 is difficult to obtain from food and depends mainly on the amount of sunshine we get. This, along with a few other factors (including the implementation of the low-fat guidelines), has created a vitamin D deficiency epidemic in North America. 55% of otherwise ‘healthy adults’ and 70%…
Lower The Carbs – Higher The Fat Burning
Let’s be honest, the reason most of us try to make nutritional changes is to improve our physique. As although staying healthy and preventing disease are important, we ultimately pass on dessert because we want to look better in our swim trunks. But that being said, looking better and “losing weight” don’t exactly go hand-in-hand. …
The ‘Cause’ of IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects nearly 20% of the population. But it’s not so much a disease as it is a label, for those experiencing any form of unexplainable gut discomfort – bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, etc. Basically, once doctors rule out any gastrointestinal problems they can diagnose – like acid reflux, IBD…
Why Carbs Are Best Consumed AFTER Exercise
Though the national food guide may tell you otherwise, fruit and starchy vegetables are not for everyone. Sure, they’re light years ahead of grains and beans, but for an obese, insulin resistant, sedentary individual it’s just MORE sugar that they DON’T need. For a relatively lean person with a good level of carbohydrate tolerance (insulin…
STOP Taking Antacids for Heartburn & Reflux
Medical doctors and TV commercials may have you believing otherwise, but the underlying problem with heartburn or reflux is too little acid, not too much. Otherwise, we’d see school children popping Rolaids instead of middle-aged men: By taking an antacid to lower stomach acid (which is already declining with age), our ability to break down…
The Science Behind the Cheat Day
Why do I recommend a cheat day? Because one day of massive indulgence does a lot less damage than 7 days of small indulgences. It’s better to eat a lot of crap a little, than a little crap a lot. Doing this backwards is why people fail on diets! They have a nibble here and…