Author Archives: Mike Sheridan

New Dietary Guidelines – 8 Ways the U.S. Government Failed AGAIN

The world was anxiously awaiting the release of the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines – as there’s been a tremendous push over the last 10 years to make some serious changes. Not only because the United States is more fat and sick than ever before, but because we’ve been blessed with a considerable dose of undeniable evidence…

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Cooking Books vs. Faking Research – What’s the Diff?

Earlier this month I was reviewing a blog post from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick (author of The Great Cholesterol Con and Doctoring Data) sharing information regarding a $2 billion lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline for falsifying research to get their antidepressant drug approved to sell. Sadly, this ‘truth’ was not uncovered until long after the drug had been…

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Sleep Loss = Muscle Loss (Bro!)

Recently I posted an article for T-Nation called “4 Ways Modern Life is Making You Fat” that covers the negative consequences of excess sitting, stressing, screen time, and insufficient sleep. The underlying message being, that you can do everything right with respect to diet and exercise, but these lifestyle factors put a giant wrench in…

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Research Recap – Oct 2015

Looking at the last week in October, it’s no wonder people don’t know what to eat anymore. Monday gave us the WHO report that processed meat is carcinogenic and red meat ‘probably’ carcinogenic, while Friday shared a review from the Lancet that low-fat diets don’t work for weight-loss. Fortunately, there’s only one study you need…

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WHO Says Meat Causes Cancer?

Earlier this week the media was ecstatic to share new research from the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘apparently’ showing that eating processed meat increased cancer risk. With headline worthy stats like: “Eating 50 grams of processed meat every day can increase the risk of cancer by 18%.” “Diets high in processed meat responsible for 34,000…

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5 Rules to Foolproof Your Paleo Diet

— Originally posted as a guest article for — If you’re already following a Paleo Diet, or something that closely resembles it, you know the drill: Eliminate grains, dairy, legumes and processed foods Only eat what runs, swims, flys, bleeds, and breathes If a caveman couldn’t eat it, you can’t Easy enough right? …you’d…

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The REAL Reason Asians Are Healthier

Historically, the Chinese and Japanese have been healthier than North Americans.  And it’s common to glorify 1 of the foods they eat (ex: soy), or 1 of the foods they ‘apparently’ eat less of (ex: red meat), when it’s not one food making the difference, it’s their diet (and lifestyle) as a whole. Recently I…

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1% Fitness FAQs – Training Fasted

I’ve never seen the point of dragging my butt through a fasted HIIT workout that burns mostly muscle glycogen, or risking Muscle Protein Breakdown (MPB) and a mediocre strength performance lifting weights on an empty stomach. The only fasted training I’m a fan of is walking. Predominantly because, the lower the intensity, the more we…

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