When you decide to remove wheat and other grains from your diet, there’s a few comfort foods you really feel like you’re missing out on. Pancakes being one of them!
Fortunately, there’s a simple solution; that I’d argue, is just as good as the real thing. And believe it or not, many of my friends and family members – who aren’t gluten/grain-free – would tell you the same thing. As I’ve whipped up these puppies numerous times at social gatherings.

There’s only 5 ingredients you need to make these – not including the toppings you decide to put on afterwards (maple syrup, etc).
Ingredients (makes approx 16):
- 2 Bananas
- 12 Medium Eggs (10 if Large)
- 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 4-6 Tbsp Coconut Flour (variation explained later)
- 2 Cups Blueberries
- Melt 2 Tbsp coconut oil in a pan
- Mash 2 bananas in a bowl
- Add 12 eggs to bowl – break yolks and mix with banana
- Stir 4 Tbsp of coconut flour (to start) into the mix
- Add melted coconut oil and use hand mixer to blend first 4 ingredients
- If mixture is too runny after beating, add 1 Tbsp of coconut flour until desired consistency reached (somewhere between thick and runny)
- Stir in 2 cups of blueberries lightly by hand with a spoon (or mixture will turn blue)
- Grease cooking surface with coconut oil or butter (if not dairy-free/paleo)

The reason this recipe calls for 16 pancakes is because these are also delicious cold – straight from the fridge. So what I’d recommend is whipping up a batch on the weekend, and then having a quick grab-and-go breakfast (or snack) during the week. The best part is, you don’t even need any toppings!
Approximate Macronutrient Breakdown for 3 Pancakes is:
- Protein – 20g
- Fat (incl coconut oil to cook) – 30g
- Carbohydrate – 20g
- Fiber – 6g
Technically, these are on the cusp of low-carb. Given that the bulk of the carbs are delivered via minimal blueberries, coconut flour and about 1/4 of a banana (per 3-cake serving). And given that the net carbs (Total Carbs – Fiber) are coming in at around 14g – which isn’t exactly moderate or high for 1 meal.
However, there’s a high likelihood that you’ll be dropping some maple syrup and additional fruit on these guys. So I thought “Not-Quite” Low-Carb was most appropriate.
In any case, don’t forget to put a few in the fridge, and try them cold (with no toppings). As aside from convenience, most have agreed they almost prefer them that way.
Stay Lean!
Coach Mike
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