Category Archives: Body Composition
The REAL Reason Asians Are Healthier
Historically, the Chinese and Japanese have been healthier than North Americans. And it’s common to glorify 1 of the foods they eat (ex: soy), or 1 of the foods they ‘apparently’ eat less of (ex: red meat), when it’s not one food making the difference, it’s their diet (and lifestyle) as a whole. Recently I…
1% Fitness FAQs – Training Fasted
I’ve never seen the point of dragging my butt through a fasted HIIT workout that burns mostly muscle glycogen, or risking Muscle Protein Breakdown (MPB) and a mediocre strength performance lifting weights on an empty stomach. The only fasted training I’m a fan of is walking. Predominantly because, the lower the intensity, the more we…
Research Recap – Aug 2015
With the recent developments in nutrition, you’d think pigs were flying. The government removed the restrictions on dietary cholesterol, and the unfair demonization of saturated fat is finally getting exposed. That being said, it’s fair to say that the memo still hasn’t arrived at a few million cubicles. Including those of the doctors and dieticians…
Did a Low-Fat Diet Burn More Than a Low-Carb One?
A few weeks ago, we were blessed with the latest instalment in the low-fat failure archives. And as per usual, the media is spreading the research like wild fire and misleading the general public. The study comes from the journal Cell Metabolism, with the eye-catching title: “Calorie for Calorie, Dietary Fat Restriction Results in More…
Is There an Optimal Tempo for Strength & Muscle Building?
Tempo is the speed of a movement, or the time you dedicate to each individual rep. Usually it’s presented in a 4-digit sequence, with the first number applying to the eccentric part of the exercise (muscle lengthening), and the third number representing the concentric portion (muscle shortening). Tempo = 4 – 0 – 1 –…
Build a Better Butt – The 15 Best Glute Exercises
Ask a girl what her workout goals are, and other than toning-up “here…here…and here” and losing “this..this…and this,” she wants a smokin’ butt. And frankly, that’s what us guys are hoping for too. But here’s the sad part. Most women end up following nutrition plans and workout routines that produce the opposite – a Flat…
Sprinting vs Jogging – Go Fast to Burn Fat
When it comes to fat loss, there’s something to be said about the practice of going ‘all out.’ For instance: Research from 2014 in the European Journal of Endocrinology determined that maximal exercise increases a fat burning hormone called irisin (turns white fat to brown) 34% higher than a matched workload with a lower intensity.…
How Much Whey Protein After Exercise?
Generally speaking, real food should be prioritized over supplementation. And high-fat solid dairy foods should be prioritized over liquid insulin-spiking dairy foods. But that’s provided you’re not taking part in resistance training, as the whey protein in dairy is the best muscle-builder going. With a long list of health benefits we’d be foolish not to…