Category Archives: Nutrition
Are You Eating Enough Protein?
Weighing, counting, and measuring food is exhausting. I’ve never liked it for myself and I’ve never recommended it to my clients. Mainly because it makes life miserable; taking the joy out of eating and turning health into a chore. Realistically, there’s no need to ‘track’ when you’re eating the right foods. And with the foolproof…
Apple Cider Vinegar Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Vinegar is to digestion, as fermented foods are to gut flora. The ‘real food’ supplement that came well before pills and capsules. Initially, vinegar was used as a food preservative, until it’s long-list of medicinal benefits were discovered. With some cultures (like the Chinese) using it as a sanitizer over 1000 years ago, and others…
5 Servings/Day or 1 Serving/Month – The Real Nutrient-Dense Food
We’re told that healthy eating involves plenty of fruits and vegetables. Which I can totally get behind, if it comes right after Make Animal Protein Mandatory. Or better yet, Make Animals Mandatory… …and definitely DON’T eliminate them! Realistically, eating animals should be the priority – as they’re not only the reason we have the big…
Live It NOT Diet FAQs – Bad Breath
If you’re in Phase 1 of Live It NOT Diet!, you’re going to notice a change in your breath (or perhaps someone else will) when you enter ketosis. Some notice it more than others, but the ‘keto breath’ is pretty distinct in that it smells a little bit like paint thinner. You might still notice…
Fermented Foods – The Better (& Cheaper) Probiotic
A variety of fermented (or cultured) foods are consumed across the globe as a dietary staple. Not only because they’re an excellent way to increase the shelf-life of certain foods, but because they have tremendous health benefits. Improving digestion (1, 2, 3, 4) and elimination (1, 2, 3) Enhancing immune function (1, 2, 3) Increasing…
Why Grass-Fed Meat is Worth it
In a perfect world we wouldn’t have to worry about where our food comes from. All vegetables would be grown in mineral-rich soil, all fruit would be hand-picked by the farmer down the street, and all animals would be ethically raised and free to graze on green pastures. Unfortunately, that’s not the case today; where…
Live It NOT Diet! FAQs – Low Energy
If you’re still in the first few days (or week) of Phase 1, low energy is perfectly normal. The more insulin resistant you are, and more you’ve been relying on sugar-fuel, the more difficult the first few days of Live It NOT Diet! are going to be. Try to think of it as reassurance that…
The Problem With Meal Replacement Shakes (Liquid Protein)
Using meal replacement shakes to lose weight is a method that’s been around forever. At least if we’re talking about my 30-year-old life up until this point. We’ve also seen them marketed as a means for maintaining health in the elderly – since we can pack them with protein and nutrients that 78 year old…