Author Archives: Mike Sheridan

High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) AGEs The Body

Individuals with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) but no prior history of diabetes, is more common than you may think. Not only because most North Americans are consuming far too many high-glycemic carbohydrates at far too many meals, but because a large percentage of the population is insulin resistant. A high fasting glucose level (>125mg/dl or…

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Is Drinking Wine Part of a Healthy Diet?

History may suggest that the fermentation of fruit to make alcohol was only a 10,000 year-old practice, but recent evidence in the journal PNAS shows that we were able to metabolize it LONG before that. The researchers discovered that the version of the ADH4 enzyme necessary to breakdown alcohol (Class IV alcohol dehydrogenases) was present…

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Resistant Starch – The New Excuse to Eat Grains & Legumes?

Resistant starch is the latest craze in nutrition. And like most things that ‘all of a sudden burst onto the scene out of nowhere,’ we’re being told that it can solve all of our health problems with little to no other change in our diet and lifestyle. But this time it’s not just Dr. Oz…

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Herbs And Spices – 7 Buying/Storing Tips & 13 DIY Blends

Though herbs and spices have tremendous health benefits (outlined here and here), they’re not all created equal.  And similarly, they don’t all remain equal – depending on where you store them and how you treat them. The good is, it’s not that complicated or difficult to implement.  And the better news is, it’s going to…

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But My Doctor NSAID to Take These – What Aspirin & Ibuprofen Are Really Doing

Hate to generalize, but if you’re a Baby Boomer you’re probably used to popping Advil or Aspirin when something hurts. Headache? No problem. Back ache? Handled. Arthritis? Taken care of. Someone else is in pain? “Did you take an ibuprofen?” What’s worse, is that many have been advised to take a Baby Aspirin each day…

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Herbs And Spices – My Top 10 List For Spices

As previously discussed, herbs and spices are some of the most nutritious foods. With most nutrient density scales and indexes placing them at (or near) the top of the chart – just under organ meats.  And many of them providing FAR MORE antioxidants than fruits and vegetables – on a per-weight, or gram-per-gram basis. The…

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Herbs And Spices – My Top 10 Herbs For Health

This is a long post, so I’ll cut to the chase. Herbs and spices are among the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, and they’re packed with powerful essential oils that kill bacteria, boost antioxidant protection, and prevent disease. Try adding a few of the top 10 herbs mentioned below (and top 10 spices…

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Why Juicing is Stupid

You’ve heard the story. A guy eats like crap his whole life, visits the doctor to find out he’s ‘nearly dead,’ and regains his health on a liquid diet. No more food, no more fuss, and no more fat. It’s that simple! The reason this sounds familiar, is because it’s nothing new. The only difference…

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