Category Archives: Body Composition
Why Carbs Are Best Consumed AFTER Exercise
Though the national food guide may tell you otherwise, fruit and starchy vegetables are not for everyone. Sure, they’re light years ahead of grains and beans, but for an obese, insulin resistant, sedentary individual it’s just MORE sugar that they DON’T need. For a relatively lean person with a good level of carbohydrate tolerance (insulin…
The Science Behind the Cheat Day
Why do I recommend a cheat day? Because one day of massive indulgence does a lot less damage than 7 days of small indulgences. It’s better to eat a lot of crap a little, than a little crap a lot. Doing this backwards is why people fail on diets! They have a nibble here and…
The Deal With Dairy
You’ve probably heard the success stories of people swapping out dairy and losing drastic amounts of weight, or switching from cow’s milk to almond or coconut milk and curing their gas, bloating, and upset stomach. And perhaps this has lead you to believe believe that dairy is bad, and best left out of the diet…?…
Cardio = The Worst Investment Ever?
One of the greatest things about the human body is its ability to adapt quickly to a new stressor. After initial contact, less and less of an adaptation is required, until dealing with the once-challenging stimulus almost seems easy. This phenomenon is especially evident in exercise, as weights begin to feel lighter with resistance training,…
Walking is a Man’s Best Medicine
The average North American may only perform 5,000 steps day, but we’re designed to be performing at least twice that. With the hunter gatherer humans that came before us executing an extremely large volume of daily physical activity, and this daily practice altering the expression of a significant number of genes related to heart health,…
Leave the Olympic Lifts for the Olympic Lifters
Getting the general population to do Olympic Lifts is kind of like getting someone that failed grade 8 math to do your taxes. They’re clearly not good with numbers, so they have no business doing a challenging task involving numbers. But more importantly, there are serious consequences if they’re executed incorrectly. They also have no…
Get Lean With Green Tea
We’ve already discussed the benefits of coffee, but tea is just as impressive – with Green Tea (specifically) bringing the most health benefits. Though it could also be because it’s the most commonly studied… Green tea stimulates fat burning and muscle building, supports the immune system, regulates blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, and even prevents…
Why You Should Fast…Occasionally
Those of you that have completed Live It, NOT Diet! know I’m an advocate of fasting – as it essentially gives you the opportunity to benefit from an overall reduction in calories, without the damaging effects (and difficulty) that come with calorie restriction diets. By avoiding food for an entire day, we can expect many…