Category Archives: Body Composition

The 5 Best HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Combos

The benefits of exercising with intensity are plentiful: unmatched improvements in insulin sensitivity and body composition mind-blowing reductions in triglyceride and blood glucose levels considerable increases in aerobic performance measures (that are equivalent to steady-state cardio in < 1/10th the time) And as we discussed in 1% Fitness, there are several ways you can tackle…

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Research Recap – Apr 2016

Nutrition A new paper from the New Zealand Medical Association outlines the highly effective, and very simple protocol for reversing and preventing diabetes – eat less carbs! Here’s a quote that sums it up perfectly: “In individuals dependent on insulin and other hypoglycaemic medication, the difficulty of matching higher intakes of carbohydrates with the higher…

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1% Fitness FAQs – Looking to Gain Mass

This is probably the most popular question I get from men. To which I usually respond: “Does your leanness call for it?” I’ve never been a fan of bulking and cutting because carrying excess body fat makes you carry more excess body fat. People bulk up because they think it gives them more strength, and…

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Research Recap – Mar 2016

Nutrition An excellent article from Sujata Gupta in the journal Nature discusses what happened when we started eating meat, and what happens when we don’t eat it. Key takeaways include: To build and maintain a more complex brain, our ancestors used ingredients found primarily in meat, including iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and fatty acids. Deficiencies…

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Research Recap – Feb 2016

Nutrition: A new review study shows that heavily baked and boiled vegetables have less nutritional value than their raw counterparts, because of reductions in polyphenols (antioxidants). Interestingly, frying and steaming (in a pressure cooker) seemed to have the opposite affect; increasing the nutrient levels by 50 and 125%. The other way you can improve the…

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Fatness & Sickness – It’s Your Fault When…

Peruse my writing, and you’ll quickly notice I’m not one to point the finger at obese individuals for their excess body fat. As clearly, we’re not living in a world with a bunch of lazy, undisciplined, sloths. Most people are making a conscious effort to stay fit, by exercising regularly and eating healthy, but it’s…

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Research Recap – Jan 2016

Nutrition A new study from McMaster University demonstrates the major impact dietary protein has on muscle gain and fat loss. The researchers split participants into a high protein group (2.4g per kg bodyweight) and low protein group (1.2g per kg bodyweight), and had them train 6 days per week while eating the same number of…

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Research Recap – Dec 2015

Nutrition More evidence that we’re better off with steak and eggs than cereal for breakfast. With this study from the Journal Nutrition showing that children given a high-protein breakfast are less hungry and burn more fat than those given a high-carb one. Moderate alcohol consumption continues to show promise for extending lifespan; this time in…

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