Category Archives: Lifestyle
Fatness & Sickness – It’s Your Fault When…
Peruse my writing, and you’ll quickly notice I’m not one to point the finger at obese individuals for their excess body fat. As clearly, we’re not living in a world with a bunch of lazy, undisciplined, sloths. Most people are making a conscious effort to stay fit, by exercising regularly and eating healthy, but it’s…
Research Recap – Jan 2016
Nutrition A new study from McMaster University demonstrates the major impact dietary protein has on muscle gain and fat loss. The researchers split participants into a high protein group (2.4g per kg bodyweight) and low protein group (1.2g per kg bodyweight), and had them train 6 days per week while eating the same number of…
Research Recap – Dec 2015
Nutrition More evidence that we’re better off with steak and eggs than cereal for breakfast. With this study from the Journal Nutrition showing that children given a high-protein breakfast are less hungry and burn more fat than those given a high-carb one. Moderate alcohol consumption continues to show promise for extending lifespan; this time in…
Moving From Healthy to Healthier in The New Year
Recently, I posted an article called 6 Simple Steps for Success in the New Year. Which was great for those looking to turn their health around this year, but wasn’t much help for those already ‘Living It.’ If that’s you, and you’re looking to make the jump from ‘healthy’ to ‘healthier’ this year, here are…
6 Simple Steps to Success in the New Year
There’s evidence to suggest that every diet works. Which is largely driven by the fact that people start eating better than crappy, and making a conscious effort to move a little more than they used to. The problem is, not every diet lasts. And it’s usually because the restrictions are unrealistic from the outset. Leading…
Where Do They Find These Dieticians?
There are good dieticians, I know. But there appear to be A LOT more bad ones. And yes, I understand that they’re educated from a textbook written by Kelloggs. And they’re taught to revert to the Governmental Regulated Food Pyramid at all times. But why are they openly trashing low-carb, paleo diets? Job security? I…
Research Recap – Nov 2015
Nutrition Intense food cravings may have a genetic component, as researchers identify two specific gene variants (FTO and DRD2) that are associated with increased brain activation for high-sugar, high-fat foods. ‘Food Quality Matters’ according to new evidence from the American Heart Association. Who found a 13% lower risk of type 2 diabetes in those eating…
Cooking Books vs. Faking Research – What’s the Diff?
Earlier this month I was reviewing a blog post from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick (author of The Great Cholesterol Con and Doctoring Data) sharing information regarding a $2 billion lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline for falsifying research to get their antidepressant drug approved to sell. Sadly, this ‘truth’ was not uncovered until long after the drug had been…