Category Archives: Supplementation
Nature’s MCT Oil – That You’re Probably Not Consuming
The saturated fat in coconut and palm oil is predominantly a medium chain triglyceride (64% MCT), which has been shown to increase fat burning and metabolism. This is more than likely because of its ability to produce heat (it’s thermogenic) and provide immediate fuel, so more fat is oxidized and less stored away as body…
More Antibiotic = Less Probiotic
One of the great debates of the 21st century, is why we’re seeing such a drastic increase in gastrointestinal problems, food sensitivities, and auto-immune conditions. Since 1974 Celiac Disease has increased 5-fold in the United States! Sure, there’s been a decline in food quality, sleep, and activity, and a rise in stress, environmental toxins, and…
Why Vitamin D Toxicity SHOULDN’T be a Consideration
Unlike other vitamins (C, B, etc.), vitamin D3 is difficult to obtain from food and depends mainly on the amount of sunshine we get. This, along with a few other factors (including the implementation of the low-fat guidelines), has created a vitamin D deficiency epidemic in North America. 55% of otherwise ‘healthy adults’ and 70%…
The ‘Cause’ of IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects nearly 20% of the population. But it’s not so much a disease as it is a label, for those experiencing any form of unexplainable gut discomfort – bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, etc. Basically, once doctors rule out any gastrointestinal problems they can diagnose – like acid reflux, IBD…
STOP Taking Antacids for Heartburn & Reflux
Medical doctors and TV commercials may have you believing otherwise, but the underlying problem with heartburn or reflux is too little acid, not too much. Otherwise, we’d see school children popping Rolaids instead of middle-aged men: By taking an antacid to lower stomach acid (which is already declining with age), our ability to break down…
Why Supplement Zinc?
Many are surprised to learn that zinc is involved in over 300 enzyme processes – including cell growth and repair. And similar to vitamin D, deficiency is extremely common; even though it has a disastrous impact on our health. When looking at the chart below, it’s easy to see why the average North American is…
Why Supplement Magnesium?
Magnesium deficiency is likely an issue for you, as it is for many. Regardless of whether or not you’re eating a high-quality diet and following a flawless stress-free lifestyle. This is because magnesium-rich foods don’t provide much magnesium. And generally speaking, even the Nutrition Nazi’s are lucky to get 15-20% of the daily requirement –…
Eat Fish or Take Fish Oil
Our bodies can’t make omega-3’s, which is why they’re classified as ‘essential’ fatty acids (EFAs). This means we need to consume fish or high-quality meat on a regular basis, or we run the risk of deficiency. Vegetarians will attempt to tell you otherwise, but plant foods only contain short-chain omega-3’s (ALA) – which have an…